Skin Deep

Lisa stepped out of the car, radiating pride in her appearance.

She was dressed in a sleek black pencil dress made of laminate that hugged her curves in all the right places. The dress had a high neckline that accentuated her long neck and her arms were covered in black opera gloves that extended all the way up to her shoulders. Her legs were adorned in black stockings that added a touch of elegance to the ensemble.

Lisa's face was perfectly made up, with her amber eyes lined with black eyeliner and her lips painted a deep red color. Her blonde hair was styled into a classic chignon that added a touch of sophistication to her overall appearance.

Despite her stunning appearance, there was something artificial about it. Her skin had a slightly plastic sheen and her movements were also slightly stilted, like the tightness of the suit restricted her movements and made her posture more rigid.

As her Mistress emerged from the car, Lisa hurried to her side. She extended a gloved hand, which was made of the laminate as her dress, and helped her out of the car.

Lisa's Mistress was dressed in a dark silver laminate business suit, which looked similar to Lisa's outfit, but with a more professional touch. Her outfit consisted of a tailored blazer, which was complemented by a matching pencil skirt that hugged her curves in a flattering way.

As they walked towards the building, Lisa and her Mistress drew a few stares from passersby. Lisa was used to this by now - her appearance was eye-catching and provocative, designed to make a statement and to turn heads.

The building they were entering was a high-rise, with sleek glass windows that rose up into the sky. As they approached the entrance, Lisa could feel the cool air conditioning hit her face, a welcome relief from the heat outside.

Every year, Victoria took Lisa to the doctor for a full check-up. She was known for being obedient and compliant servant, always eager to please her Mistress in any way possible. Victoria knew that well, so she made sure to take good care of her.

As they entered the medical center, Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. The sterile, white walls and the antiseptic smell of the air reminded her of the previous check-ups she had endured, which had been anything but enjoyable.

Victoria took her hand, leading her through the reception area and towards the examination room. As they walked, Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that her mistress was with her.

As they entered the examination room, Lisa was instructed to undress. She complied, removing her sleek black laminate dress and her black opera gloves. Her stockings were the last to come off, as she removed them with slow and deliberate movements, acutely aware of her Mistress's gaze.

"Looks like you've been taking good care of her, Victoria," the doctor said, as they entered the room.

"Of course, she's my prized possession," Victoria replied.

The doctor took a few steps back from Lisa and brought out a medical scanner. They adjusted the settings and then began to slowly scan her body. The scanner beeped softly as it moved along her skin, registering her vital signs and taking readings of her internal organs.

As the scan continued, the doctor moved closer to Lisa, their hands returning to her body. This time, they paid closer attention to her skin, inspecting it for any abnormalities or signs of damage. They ran their fingers over every inch of her skin, checking for any signs of wear and tear or damage - but found nothing out of the ordinary

Lisa remained still and silent throughout the examination, her expression blank and emotionless. As the doctor finished up the skin inspection, they stepped back and reviewed the results of the medical scanner.

"Now I need to access her actual skin."

Victoria paused for a moment, considering the doctor's words. She knew what they meant, of course, but she had never thought of Lisa's second skin as anything other than her "real" skin. It was a testament to the skill of the Torean artisans who had created the suit that it had become such an integral part of Lisa's personality.

The doctor noticed Victoria's hesitation and explained, "I understand that it is an important part of your slave's identity, but we need to make sure that everything is in order. Her artificial skin can sometimes hide underlying medical conditions, and we wouldn't want to miss anything."

Victoria nodded, understanding the importance of the examination.

"Sure," she said. "I will unlock it."

She walked behind Lisa and located a small lock at the back of her servant's spine and unlocked it. Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability as the doctor started to peel away her second skin. She knew that this was necessary, but the idea of being exposed like this was daunting.

As the suit started to come off, Lisa's actual face were slowly revealed to the doctor's gaze. It was markedly different from the artificial, perfect features of the mask that had covered her face. Her nose was slightly crooked, and her cheeks were dotted with a few scars and freckles. Her lips were thinner and less defined, and her short hair was a slightly different shade of blonde than the wig that had covered it.

Lisa coughed as the integrated gag was removed from the her mouth together with a mask, causing her to gasp for air. Her mistresses watched as she took a few deep breaths, adjusting to the sudden change.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Victoria asked, concern in her voice.

Lisa nodded, still catching her breath. She felt exposed and vulnerable, but she knew that this was part of the process.

The doctor continued their examination, checking Lisa's teeth, tongue, and throat. They also checked her eyes, ears, and nose. Everything seemed to be in good working order. Slowly they moved on to Lisa's breasts, their fingers brushing over her nipples, causing Lisa to shudder.

"Impressive work," they said, standing up and smiling. "Her enhancements are functioning perfectly. I must say, Lisa, you are a work of art."

"Thank you, Doctor," Victoria said, smiling at Lisa. "I'm glad to hear that everything is in order. And I have a special request this time.... Can you make include those upgrades I ordered recently?"

"Certainly, Mistress," the doctor replied with a nod. "The upgrades you requested have been implemented and the new suit is ready for use. Would you like me to prepare it for you now?"

Victoria nodded. "Yes, please do. I'd like to see how the new upgrades look on Lisa."

The doctor quickly retrieved the new skin and placed it on the examination table. They carefully unfolded it and examined the suit, making sure that everything was in place. After a few minutes of inspection, they stepped back and gave a nod of approval.

"Everything looks good, Mistress," they said. "The suit is ready for use. Would you like me to help Lisa into it?"

"No, I'll handle it," Victoria replied, smiling at the doctor. "Thank you for your help."

Doctor nodded, bowing respectfully before turning to leave the room. "As always, it's a pleasure to serve you, Victoria," they said before exiting the room and leaving Lisa alone with her Mistress.

After the doctor left the examination room, Victoria instructed Lisa to put the new suit on. As the laminate material encased her lower body, she felt an unfamiliar pressure against her crotch. Lisa looked down and realized that the new suit had two dildos in the crotch area, each placed strategically to provide maximum stimulation to her.

Hesitatingly, Lisa reached for a small container of lubricant that was placed on the table next to her and squeezed a small amount onto her hand. She spread the lube over the surface of the dildos, making sure they were well-coated.

With a deep breath, Lisa bent over a bit and placed one of them against her anus. She pushed gently, feeling the smooth surface of the toy enter her body. As it slid deeper inside her, Lisa couldn't help but moan softly, feeling the sensation of fullness in her back passage.

Once the first dildo was inserted, Lisa repeated the process with the second one, this time placing it against her vaginal opening. She slid it in with practiced ease, feeling the exciting sensation of the toy filling her up.

As the dildos settled into place, Lisa's body began to adjust to their presence. She could feel them inside her, stretching her in a way that was both uncomfortable and arousing. Her breathing grew heavier as she adjusted to the sensation, feeling her body respond in spite of her reservations.

Lisa took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. She carefully slid her arms into the sleeves of the tight-fitting suit, feeling it cling to her body like a second skin. As she pulled the suit up over her torso, she felt the familiar sensation of the suit stretching and molding to fit her body perfectly.

With the suit almost fully on, Lisa reached for the mask and took a final deep breath. She knew that the artificial face would complete her transformation, erasing her true identity and replacing it with the obedient persona that Victoria desired.

She pulled the mask over the crown of her head, feeling the slight pressure of the material against her face. The mask was designed to fit snugly over her features, completely obscuring her identity and giving her a blank, expressionless appearance. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the limited field of vision that the mask allowed.

Victoria walked behind Lisa, feeling along the back of the suit until she found the small lock. She inserted a key into the lock and turned it, hearing a satisfying click as the suit locked into place.

"You did well, Lisa," Victoria said. "You deserve a reward."

Victoria reached down and pressed a button on the suit's remote control, activating the stimulation devices that had been integrated into the suit during the check-up. Lisa let out a small gasp as the devices began to hum to life, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Victoria moved closer to Lisa, running her hands along the curves of sealed body. She could feel the heat radiating off Lisa's artificial skin, a clear sign of the pleasure that she was experiencing.

"Your enhancements are working perfectly," Victoria said, a hint of pride in her voice. "I knew I made the right choice in selecting you as my personal servant."

Lisa moaned in response, the pleasure overwhelming her senses. She had never felt anything like this before, the sensations building and building until she was on the verge of climax. Just as she was about to reach her peak, Victoria pressed a button on a remote, causing the stimulation devices to shut off.

Lisa let out a whimper of disappointment as the pleasure abruptly ceased. Victoria chuckled softly and ran a hand through Lisa's hair.

"Don't worry, my dear," she said. "We'll have plenty of time for more fun later."

As they left the medical center and headed back to the car, Lisa couldn't help but wonder if there was anything real about her. Was there anything underneath her perfect mask that defined her as an individual, or was she simply a collection of upgrades and enhancements designed to please her Mistress?

Lisa quickly shook off these thoughts. She was back in her perfect form, back in her familiar routine, and back in her submissive role as a servant. The outside world was cruel and unpredictable, but inside the suit, she felt safe and protected. And for now, that was enough.