Tagged as "story":

Tags: story
Panic set in as Eve recalled that she was sealed inside the suit. She clawed at the material, trying to find a way to pry it off her body, but it was no use. The suit was designed to be inescapable, and there was no way to remove it without a key.
Sealed Away
Tags: story, story:skinsuit
Althea stood before the massive black box with the "Succubus Technologies" label, heart racing with anticipation. She had been waiting months for this moment, and now it was finally here. She took a deep breath and lifted the lid, revealing the contents inside.
Skin Deep
Tags: story, story:skinsuit
In a world where perfection is the norm, Lisa's stunning appearance and obedient compliance to her Mistress hides a deeper truth. As she undergoes a routine check-up, Lisa must confront the artificial nature of her existence and the question of what truly defines her as an individual.
Special Gift
Tags: story
Experience the euphoria of submission and sensory deprivation as Maria is pushed to her limits in the caring hands of her Mistress, exploring the boundaries of pleasure and power in a world where servitude is the norm.