Special Gift

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the window of her small room, Maria stirred from her sleep. She had grown accustomed to waking up before the sun rose, a regime she had followed for years. It was a typical day for her, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was different.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up in bed, feeling the cool air against her bare skin. She glanced over at the small clock integrated in the nightstand and saw that it was still very early. She knew that she had to get up and start her daily routine, so she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

As she walked to her closet, Maria knew exactly what she was going to wear. She pulled out the garment and slipped into the suit, feeling the smooth surface of the rubber-like fabric against her skin. Glossy black laminate engulfed her body and clung to her curves like a second skin, emphasizing every contour of her body. She adjusted her corset, cinching it tightly around her waist and securing it in place.

She caught a glimpse of the Torean landscape outside. Towering skyscrapers, their sleek, metallic surfaces reflecting the first rays of the sun, loomed in the distance, a testament to the power and wealth of the city's ruling class.

Despite the beauty of the view, Maria knew that she was not free to enjoy it. As a personal servant, she was bound to her household and had no say in how she spent her days. But still, the sight of the landscape gave her a small sense of solace, a reminder that there was a world beyond the confines of her servitude.

With a deep breath, Maria pushed her thoughts aside and focused on the tasks ahead. She slipped on and adjusted her gas mask, making sure it was properly secured in place. The mask hid her features from view, giving her an anonymous look that was common among servants on Torei. With her face obscured by the panoramic tinted lens, she felt a sense of detachment from the world around her, as if she was just a machine performing her duties.

As she locked the suit and headed out of her room, her body already started to glisten with a thin sheen of sweat under the tight embrace of her daily uniform.

As a home maid for her Mistress, Maria had a daily routine that was carefully planned and structured. Maria had been a slave for as long as she could remember. She had been born into slavery, with her parents having sold her into it as a way to pay off their debts. And so, she had grown up knowing nothing but servitude and submission.

She made her way to the kitchen, where her Mistress was already waiting for her. She purchased her a couple of years ago, and despite the Mistress's unexpected kindness and compassion, Maria knew that her status as a slave meant that she could never let her guard down. She couldn't allow herself to get too comfortable and forget her place in the household.

"Maria, are you ready to begin your duties for the day?" the Mistress asked.

"Yes, Mistress," Maria replied, her voice slightly muffled by the gas mask. "I am ready to serve."

"Very good," the Mistress said, a note of approval in her voice. "I'll need a refreshing drink to start my day. Please prepare my favorite tea."

Maria nodded, her eyes hidden behind the tinted visor of her mask. She quickly set to work in the kitchen, selecting the perfect blend of tea leaves and heating the water to the perfect temperature. The laminate suit hugged her body and restricted movement, reminding her of her place.

As she worked, the Mistress watched her silently, a faint smile on her lips. Maria could feel her gaze on her, but she didn't dare to look up. She knew that her Mistress, despite her compassionate nature, demanded complete submission, and any sign of insubordination would be met with consequences.

After the coffee was ready, Maria brought it to her Mistress, placing the cup on the table before her. The Mistress took a sip, savoring the flavor.

"Perfect," she said, looking up at Maria. "You really are the best maid I could ever have."

Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at her Mistress's words. She had been trained from a young age to be the perfect servant, to anticipate her Mistress's every need and desire. And now, her hard work and dedication had paid off.

"Thank you, Mistress," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she worked, Maria's thoughts wandered to her life as a slave. She had no control over her fate, no say in how she lived her life. Her body was not her own, but belonged to her Mistress. Even her thoughts and desires were subject to her Mistress's control.

The day progressed, and Maria continued with her duties. She felt the sweat starting to form on her skin, but she tried to ignore it and focus on her work. The laminate suit, while designed to be breathable, still trapped some heat and moisture against her body. The mask also made it difficult to breathe, but Maria was used to it by now.

As the sun began to set, Maria finished her duties for the day. Suddenly, her Mistress spoke up.

"Maria, come with me," she said, standing up from her chair. Her tone soft and seductive.

Maria's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her Mistress's voice. She had been trained to obey every command without question, no matter how strange or unusual it might seem.

"I've got something for you," the Mistress continued, a hint of excitement in her voice. "But I need you to be fully focused and obedient. Can I count on you?"

Maria nodded, unsure of what her Mistress had in store for her.

"Of course, Mistress," she said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

The Mistress smiled and beckoned Maria to follow her.

Her Mistress led her to a small room in the back of the house, one that Maria had never been in before. It was a large, dimly lit chamber, with walls covered in black laminate. In the center of the room was a large, translucent device that Maria couldn't quite make out.

"Maria, I want you to know that I value your service to me," her Mistress said, her voice soft. "And today I want to show you my appreciation in a special way."

With that, the Mistress began to slowly undress Maria, unlocking her laminate suit and peeling it off her body. She moved closer, running her hands over Maria's body under the suit, exploring every curve and contour. Maria couldn't help but shiver at her touch, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her.

As the Mistress continued to undress her, Maria's mind began to race. She had never been in this situation before, and she wasn't sure what was going to happen next. But she knew that she had to trust her Mistress and obey her every command.

Finally, the Mistress had stripped her completely naked, leaving her standing there in the dimly lit room, her body glistening with sweat. Maria felt exposed and vulnerable, but she also felt a sense of excitement building within her.

"Maria, have you ever heard of a laminate bed?" the Mistress asked, a sly grin on her face.

Maria shook her head, unsure of what to expect.

"It's a device used for sensory deprivation," the Mistress explained. "You lie down in it, and it creates a vacuum around your body, completely immobilizing you. It's quite an experience, I assure you."

Maria's heart raced at the thought of being completely immobilized. She had never experienced anything like this before, and the idea both frightened and excited her.

"But first, I want you to use this," the Mistress said, a mischievous glint in her eye. She picked up a small, egg-shaped device and held it out to Maria. She looked at the device in confusion, but then she realized what it was - a vibrator egg.

"Insert it inside of you," the Mistress said, her voice low and husky.

Maria's breath caught in her throat as she hesitantly took the egg from her Mistress's hand, feeling the cool metal against her skin. She was both terrified and aroused by the idea of inserting it inside of her, but she knew that she had no choice but to obey.

With trembling fingers, she slowly pushed the device inside, feeling a rush of pleasure as it hummed to life. The vibrations pulsed through her body, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. Maria let out a soft moan, feeling her body respond to the sensations.

"Good girl," the Mistress said, her voice low and seductive. "Now, get inside."

With trembling hands, Maria started to climb inside the bed, feeling a shiver run down her spine as the cool laminate pressed against her skin. The translucent material gave her a distorted, yellowish view of the room, as if she was looking through a funhouse mirror.

Before sealing the bed shut, the Mistress handed Maria a small breathing tube, instructing her to place it in her mouth. She did as she was told, feeling the cold plastic of the tube against her lips.

As the vacuum pump started to suck the air out, it became her lifeline. A thin rubber pipe was like an umbilical cord she had once been attached to as a fetus in her mother's womb - her only source of oxygen and nourishment had sustained her during her earliest stages of development. And now, in a strange twist of fate, she found herself relying on a similar thing to survive once again.

The sensation of being trapped was overwhelming. Maria could feel every inch of her body being compressed against the laminate, as if the material was trying to suffocate her. But at the same time, she felt a sense of euphoria, as if she was floating in a sea of pleasure. Every movement sent waves of sensation coursing through her body, making her skin tingle and her heart race.

As the Mistress continued to touch and tease her body through the layer of laminate, Maria's skin began to tingle with an electrifying sensation that sent shivers down her spine. Every movement, every touch, every breath from the Mistress was like an electric shock, sending waves of pleasure radiating throughout her entire being.

Her heart raced in her chest as she fought to keep control of herself, to not give in completely to the sensation overwhelming her. But it was a losing battle, as the Mistress's touch was calculated and precise, her fingers playing over the laminate in patterns that left Maria gasping for more.

The Mistress's hands explored every inch of her body, caressing her curves and teasing her. She pressed her hands against Maria's body, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. She leaned over the vacuum bed and whispered into Maria's ear.

"You are mine, Maria," she whispered, "You belong to me, body and soul."

Maria could feel the intensity of her Mistress's desire, and it only made her own desire burn brighter. She arched her back, offering herself up to the Mistress's touch, wanting more, needing more. The pleasure was intense, almost too much to bear, but she couldn't get enough. The vibrations from the egg intensified, sending waves of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her completely.

Maria was lost in the sensation, lost in the moment, lost in the overwhelming pleasure that the Mistress was giving her. She was on the brink of orgasm, her body trembling with anticipation.

And then, with a sudden rush of pleasure, it hit her. Maria let out a scream, feeling her body convulse and shake as she rode the wave of her orgasm. She felt as if she was floating, as if she was no longer bound by the constraints of her body. Her mind was consumed by the overwhelming pleasure, and she couldn't think of anything else but the sensation coursing through her.

As Maria slowly came down from her orgasm, she could feel her body sinking in the vacuum bed, feeling almost weightless. Her senses were heightened, every sound and sensation amplified. She could hear the sound of her own heartbeat, the rush of blood in her ears, and the faint hum of the vibrator still pulsing inside of her.

Suddenly, the Mistress's voice broke through the haze of pleasure.

"Happy Birthday, Maria," the Mistress said, her voice muffled through the thick layer of laminate. Maria felt a pang of sadness at the mention of her birthday, as she had never celebrated it before.

As if reading her mind, the Mistress leaned closer and kissed her on the forehead through the thick layer of laminate. Maria could feel her warmth through the material, and a sense of calm and contentment washed over her.

"I hope you enjoyed your present," she whispered. "I know I did."

And then, with a soft click, the lights in the room turned off. The Mistress had left, leaving Maria alone in the dark. The vacuum bed felt like a cocoon, like a womb that had cradled her in its embrace and given her a new birth of sorts. She felt safe and secure, protected from the outside world.

For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of hope for the future. And so, with a deep breath, Maria closed her eyes and drifted into the abyss.