Booster Implant

Booster Implant is a type of biomechanical implant that greatly enhances the physical or mental abilities of a person. These implants are typically installed in the body of a willing recipient, and can provide a wide range of benefits, from enhanced strength and speed, to increased intelligence and memory.

Design & Construction

Booster implants are constructed from a combination of synthetic and organic materials, including specially engineered hormones and nerve agents. They are typically designed to interface with the wearer's hormone and nervous system.

The implant is typically coated in a specific type of laminate material that allows it to be safely integrated into the human body. This coating provides a protective layer that prevents the implant from being rejected by the body's immune system.


The installation process for booster implants can vary significantly depending on the type of implant being installed. Some implants are designed to be easily installed, requiring only a minor surgical procedure, while others require more complex surgery and significant recovery time.

The installation process begins with a consultation between the individual and a licensed implant specialist. During this consultation, the individual (or their respective owner) could discuss their desired enhancement and determine which type of implant is best suited for their needs. The specialist will then explain the installation process and any potential risks or complications.

Once the type of implant has been determined, the specialist will perform the installation procedure. The procedure can range from a simple injection to a more complex surgery, depending on the type of implant being installed. Recovery time can also vary, with some implants requiring only a few days of recovery, while others may require weeks or even months.


Once in place, the implant begins to interface with the person's nervous and hormone systems, enhancing their physical or mental abilities and allowing them to perform feats that would be impossible for an unaugmented human.

For example, an implant designed to enhance physical performance may work by increasing the production of adrenaline in the body, while an implant designed to improve cognitive function may work by boosting the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

Booster implants have a wide range of functions and can be used for various purposes. They can be used to enhance physical performance, improve cognitive function, and even to regulate mood and emotions.

Side Effects

While booster implants can provide significant benefits, they are not without side effects. The most common side effects of these implants include pain, swelling, and tenderness at the site of the incision. In some cases, the implant may cause a more serious infection, which can lead to complications such as fever or sepsis.

There is also a risk of rejection by the body's immune system. The body may view the implant as a foreign object and mount an immune response to attack it. This can lead to inflammation, scarring, and even the failure of the implant.

In some cases, more serious side effects can occur, such as organ failure, permanent nervous system damage or even death. This is why it is so important to consult with a qualified technician who can assess the risks and benefits before installing one.