
Slavery is a complex and multi-faceted institution that permeates nearly every aspect of Torean society. It is a topic of much debate and controversy, both on Torei itself and in the greater intergalactic community.


The practice of slavery on Torei has a long and complicated history. It is believed that the institution first emerged in the early days of local civilization, when the population was still small and resources were scarce. At that time, it was common for powerful individuals and families to acquire and control other people as a means of consolidating their own power and wealth.

Over time, slavery became more and more entrenched in society, with the institution becoming an integral part of the culture and the economy. It is estimated that at its peak, as much as 50% of the planet population was enslaved in some form or another.

In recent years, the practice of slavery on Torei has come under increasing scrutiny from the wider intergalactic community. Many individuals and organizations have called for an end to the practice, citing its inhumane and exploitative nature.

Slavery is legal and protected by the planetary government on Torei. Under Torean law, slaves are considered to be property, and are therefore subject to the same rules and regulations as any other form of property. Slaves could bought and sold on open markets, and their status can be inherited by their offspring.

While the practice of slavery on Torei is completely legal, it is also heavily regulated. Slave owners are required to provide their slaves with basic necessities such as food, shelter, and medical care, and are usually prohibited from engaging in any form of physical or sexual abuse. Additionally, in some ringdoms all slaves are required to wear a specially-designed collar which is designed to monitor their health and ensure their safety.

Despite these regulations, many off-worlders and intergalactic organizations continue to condemn the practice of slavery on Torei, arguing that it is inherently immoral and violates basic human rights. Some have even called for a boycott of the planet and its products, in an effort to pressure the Torean government to outlaw the practice.


The impact of slavery on Torean society is difficult to overstate. Slaves make up a significant portion of the planet's population, and their labor is essential to the functioning of many industries, from agriculture to manufacturing and sex trade.

Slavery has also had a profound impact on the psychology and social structure of Torean society. The practice of dominance and submission is deeply ingrained in the planet's culture, and the relationship between slave and master is often viewed as a natural and necessary part of life.

Despite the negative impact of slavery on Torean society, there are some who argue that the practice is an integral part of the planet's culture and should be preserved. Supporters of slavery point to its economic benefits and argue that it provides a necessary outlet for certain types of human behavior.

However, critics argue that slavery is a fundamental violation of human rights and should be abolished. They point to the abuses suffered by many slaves on Torei and argue that the institution is a blight on the planet's culture and reputation.