Tagged as "society":

Polar AIs
Tags: wiki, society, government
The Polar AIs, Dahom and Mazos, are two biomechanical supercomputers located within massive ziggurats on the poles of the planet Torei. They are widely regarded as among the most advanced technologies on the planet, with immense power and influence that can be seen in every aspect of Torean life.
Tags: wiki, society, government
Emissary is a term used on the planet Torei to describe individuals who have been selected to act as agents of the biomechanical supercomputers known as Dahom and Mazos. Emissaries are specially conditioned and trained individuals who act as a medium for the power and will of their power.
Ministry of Improvements
Tags: wiki, society, government, ministry
The Ministry of Improvements is a key administrative body in the Torean Ringdoms, responsible for overseeing the use of advanced biotechnology and cybernetic implants in the population. The ministry is one of the three Triune Ministries that are common to all Torean Ringdoms, along with the Ministry of Wombs and the Ministry of Truants.
Ministry of Truants
Tags: wiki, society, government, ministry
The Ministry of Truants is a governmental organization that is responsible for the enforcement of slavery and curfew laws on Torei, a planet famous for its matriarchal society and widespread slavery. The organization is one of the three Triune Ministries of Torei and is known for its strict enforcement policies and harsh punishments.
Ministry of Wombs
Tags: wiki, society, government, ministry
The Ministry of Wombs is a Torean governmental organization that is responsible for managing female affairs and regulating international slave code. It is one of the Triune Ministries of Torei and has significant power and influence within the Torean government.
Tags: wiki, society
Off-worlder is a status for individuals from other planets who have come to visit, live, or work on Torei. Despite the planet's unique culture and customs, there are many reasons why off-worlders are attracted to Torei, including its advanced technology, unparalleled biological sciences, and the potential for new and exciting experiences.
Tags: wiki, society
Slavery is a complex and multi-faceted institution that permeates nearly every aspect of Torean society. It is a topic of much debate and controversy, both on Torei itself and in the greater intergalactic community.
Tags: wiki, society
Toreans are the native human inhabitants of the planet Torei. Toreans are known for their unique culture, which is heavily influenced by the use of a special material known as laminate, as well as their worldwide practice of matriarchy and chattel slavery.
Triune Ministries
Tags: wiki, society, government
Triune Ministries is the collective term used to describe the three administrative bodies that are common to all Torean Ringdoms: the Ministry of Wombs, the Ministry of Truants, and the Ministry of Improvements. These ministries are responsible for overseeing different aspects of Torean society, and each one plays a unique role in maintaining the order and stability of the ringdoms.