Ministry of Wombs

The Ministry of Wombs is a Torean governmental organization that is responsible for managing female affairs and regulating international slave code. It is one of the Triune Ministries of Torei and has significant power and influence within the Torean government.


The Ministry of Wombs has a long and complex history on Torei, dating back to the early days of the planet's settlement. Originally, the ministry was created to manage the reproductive rights and obligations of female settlers, ensuring that the population of Torei would continue to grow and thrive.

Over time, the ministry's role expanded, as it began to take on new responsibilities related to slavery and the regulation of female bodies. Today, the ministry is one of the most powerful institutions on Torei, with immense influence over the lives of Torean women and their slaves.


The Ministry of Wombs is responsible for managing all aspects of female affairs on Torei. This includes regulating childbirth, managing reproductive health, and overseeing the implementation of international slave codes. The Ministry also manages the education and training of female citizens, and provides social welfare services such as housing and health care.

One of the Ministry's most controversial functions is its regulation of slavery on Torei. Under the Ministry's oversight, slavery is legal and widespread, with many Torean women serving as slaves to their male counterparts. The Ministry regulates the terms of slavery and the treatment of slaves, and also manages the international slave trade.

Organization and Structure

The Ministry of Wombs is headed by a High Priestess, who is appointed by the Polar AIs and serves as the ultimate authority over female affairs on Torei. The High Priestess is assisted by a council of advisors, who are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Ministry.

Below the council are a series of administrative departments, each responsible for a specific aspect of the Ministry's functions. These include the Department of Reproductive Health, the Department of Education and Training, and the Department of Social Welfare.


The Ministry of Wombs is one of the most controversial institutions on Torei, with many people decrying its practices as oppressive and inhumane. Critics argue that the Ministry's regulation of childbirth and reproductive health infringes on women's rights and autonomy, while its management of slavery perpetuates a system of inequality and abuse.

Despite these criticisms, the Ministry of Wombs remains an important institution on Torei, and its role in regulating female affairs and slavery is seen as crucial to maintaining order and stability across the planet. The Ministry continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of Torean society, and it remains a powerful force in shaping the future of the planet.