Ministry of Truants

The Ministry of Truants is a governmental organization that is responsible for the enforcement of slavery and curfew laws on Torei, a planet famous for its matriarchal society and widespread slavery. The organization is one of the three Triune Ministries of Torei and is known for its strict enforcement policies and harsh punishments.


The Ministry of Truants is responsible for capturing and punishing those found to be in violation of slavery or curfew laws. This can include anything from minor infractions such as being out past curfew, to major offenses like attempting to escape slavery. Punishments range from fines to imprisonment, enslavement, or even "recycling", a fate worse than death where the individual's body is harvested for its valuable resources.

In addition to enforcement, the Ministry of Truants also performs the role of local police force in many ringdoms, ensuring that law and order is maintained throughout the planet. They often work in conjunction with the Ministry of Wombs, which is responsible for overseeing female affairs and regulating the international slave code.


The Ministry of Truants is responsible for capturing and punishing those found to be in violation of slavery or curfew laws. This can include anything from minor infractions such as being out past curfew, to major offenses like attempting to escape slavery.

In addition to enforcement, the Ministry of Truants also performs the role of local police force in many ringdoms, ensuring that law and order is maintained throughout the planet. They often work in conjunction with the Ministry of Wombs, which is responsible for overseeing female affairs and regulating the international slave code.

The Ministry of Truants uses advanced technology to carry out its duties, including sophisticated tracking devices and surveillance equipment. These tools enable the Ministry to quickly identify and capture individuals who are in violation of the law.


The Ministry of Truants is divided into a number of different departments and divisions, each with its own specific functions and responsibilities. The most important of these divisions are the Enforcement Division, the Investigation Division, and the Administration Division.

The Enforcement Division is responsible for carrying out the Ministry's primary function, which is to capture and punish those who violate slavery and curfew laws. This division is made up of specially trained agents, who are equipped with the latest technology and weaponry to ensure that they can accomplish their missions successfully.

The Investigation Division is responsible for gathering intelligence and evidence on potential violators of slavery and curfew laws. This division is made up of skilled investigators and analysts, who use a variety of techniques to uncover information that can be used to prosecute those who break the law.

The Administration Division is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Ministry of Truants. This division is made up of bureaucrats and support staff, who handle everything from budgeting to personnel management.


The Ministry of Truants is responsible for administering a wide range of punishments for those found to be in violation of the law. Punishments can range from fines and community service to enslavement or even the dreaded "recycling" - a fate worse than death in which a person's body is broken down into raw materials.

The severity of the punishment is determined by a variety of factors, including the nature of the crime, the offender's previous record, and the opinions of the Ministry's leadership. Punishments are often administered in public, as a means of deterring others from committing similar crimes.


The Ministry of Truants has been the subject of controversy throughout its history. Many Toreans view the organization as a necessary evil, arguing that its harsh methods are needed to maintain law and order on the planet. Others, however, see the Ministry as a brutal and oppressive force, one that is more interested in maintaining its own power than in protecting the rights of citizens.

Critics of the Ministry point to its frequent use of force and its willingness to administer punishments that are out of proportion to the crimes committed. They also argue that the Ministry is often corrupt, with its agents engaging in illegal activities in order to further their own interests.

Despite the controversy surrounding the Ministry of Truants, it remains an integral part of Torean society. Its agents are feared and respected throughout the planet, and its actions have a profound impact on the lives of citizens in every ringdom.