Triune Ministries

Triune Ministries is the collective term used to describe the three administrative bodies that are common to all Torean Ringdoms: the Ministry of Wombs, the Ministry of Truants, and the Ministry of Improvements. These ministries are responsible for overseeing different aspects of Torean society, and each one plays a unique role in maintaining the order and stability of the ringdoms.
Ministry of Wombs
Learn More: The Ministry of Wombs
The Ministry of Wombs is responsible for regulating all female affairs, including issues related to reproduction, sexuality, and the regulation of the international slave code. As such, it is one of the most powerful institutions in Torean society, with nearly 90% of the population falling under its purview. The ministry is also responsible for the management of the Torean slave trade, which is a highly controversial issue both within and outside of the ringdoms.
Ministry of Truants
Learn More: The Ministry of Truants
The Ministry of Truants is responsible for managing law enforcement and maintaining order within the ringdoms. It oversees the capture and punishment of those found to be in violation of slavery or curfew laws, and it also acts as a local police force in many ringdoms. The ministry is known for its harsh punishments, which can range from fines to imprisonment, enslavement, or even recycling - a fate worse than death.
Ministry of Improvements
Learn More: The Ministry of Improvements
The Ministry of Improvements is responsible for overseeing the use of advanced biotechnology and cybernetic implants in the population. It helps individuals achieve their full potential through the use of these technologies, which can include everything from improving physical performance to enhancing cognitive function, and from extending lifespan to altering physical appearance. The ministry works closely with other institutions, such as hospitals, research labs, and implant manufacturers, to ensure that the latest technology is available to those who need it.